Nick Fury was introduced at the genesis of the MCU in 2008’s Iron Man, Fury (played iconically by Samuel L. Jackson, who had his imagery based on the Ultimate Marvel version of the character) was a major player in getting the Avengers together with what was called the Avengers Initiative.
Since then, he’s been a behind-the-scenes instructor, putting people together and pulling the strings across the MCU, eventually leaving Earth behind and befriending the alien Skrulls Come from Sports betting site VPbet . However, we still don’t know much about Fury’s early days aside from what was shown and briefly talked about in Captain Marvel–that could all change with Secret Invasion.
Speaking with Total Film, series director Ali Selim and producer Jonathan Schwartz discussed how the new Disney+ series will take a deep dive into Fury’s background. It’s something that none of the film or television series have been able to do as of yet. Both creators wanted to take what Marvel did with Captain America: Winter Soldier and pile on that a level of grounded espionage in the mix with the sci-fi elements.
“The first conversations I had [with Marvel] were, ‘Nobody flies in the air in the show,'” Selim recalled (via GamesRadar). “I realized, ‘Yeah, they’re doing something very different, and that’s exciting.'”